Hot Springs Market Update

The numbers are in for November of the residential real estate market in Garland County, Arkansas.  Compared to last year’s market, residential sales are up 13%, and inventory is down another 1% since last month. 
Average Days on Market
1/1/12 – 11/30/12:  193
1/1/13 – 11/30/13:  173            
Number of Listings Sold
1/1/12 – 11/30/12:   980
1/1/13 – 11/30/13:  1114                   
Average Price of Sold Listings
1/1/12 – 11/30/12:  $168,212
1/1/13 – 11/30/13:  $167,424
MLS Sold Volume
1/1/12 – 11/30/12:   $164,848,095
1/1/13 – 11/30/13:   $186,510,420
(data obtained from the Hot Springs Board of Realtors mls, and it does not include home sales by owner, or other sales not reported thru our local mls)
Click here to take a look at the next report that shows a more detailed overview of the current market in Garland County, AR. This report will give you a better look at the supply and demand of homes. 
As the spirit of the holidays are here, we are reminded of those who have helped us, both in business and our personal lives.
 Clearly we don't get enough opportunities to say "thank you" in person, even though we are immensely grateful for each and every one of you.
So, at this very special time of year we want to express our deepest appreciation for your support and confidence in us, your referrals and your friendship. 
It means so much and is so important as we look to move forward and grow our business here in Hot Springs.
From our family to yours, we send you our fondest wishes for a Merry Christmas.  May the joy of the holidays extend to you and your family throughout the coming year!
If at any time we can help more, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 501.655.6247.  It is always our pleasure to serve you.


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