
Showing posts from 2019

Real Estate Market may be Headed in a New Direction

As we review the first month of the new year in the real estate industry in the Hot Springs area, we are always eager to determine the direction of the real estate market for the year.  Wouldn’t it be nice if that crystal ball would tell us the exact time that’s best to buy and sell to get the most for your money?!  So far, the numbers are pretty close to this time last year, however just a tad bit less in total sales volume for residential sales (but not enough to talk about). With over 16 years in the real estate industry, we have experienced many shifts in the market, but this year is feeling a little different.  We have made a few predictions for the upcoming year and wanted to share our thoughts with you. This will be a year of more “multi-offers” on homes, so be sure to choose an experienced real estate agent with good negotiating skills to represent you. (Inventory is at a record low for our area, creating a scramble on good homes.) Vacation home sales will increase signif

It's Going to Be a Great Year for Hot Springs!

HAPPY, HAPPY New Year!  It’s always fun to kick off a new year with a fresh outlook filled with new goals, big plans, and high expectations! One of my favorite sayings that a new year brings to mind is “Shoot for the moon so that even if you miss, you'll still land among the stars”. We are really excited about the plans for the future in Hot Springs in 2019.  Hot Springs has frequently been making headlines throughout the country and even the world.  Hot Springs was recently named by the Travel Channel as one of the  “Must-Visit Geothermal Baths Around the World” . Then Trip Savvy included Hot Springs in their list of “ The 20 Best Hot Springs Destinations in the World ”.  Discover Arkansas featured a cool story about the iconic Arlington Hotel as it’s “considered  one of the grandest hotels in the state ” and filled with rich history.  And of course the Arkansas Business Journal is always taking note of all of the new growth going on in town, and featured the story – “ Clarion